Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fires and rioters and tear gas...oh my.

Oh no, they didn't? Oh yes, they did. What we thought would just be protests/demonstrations in Syntagma today have turned into full fledged riots. When Yiayia and I were leaving the hotel to go check on our travel plans to Delphi tomorrow, the main hotel doors were closed and there were a ton of people flooding down Nikodimou street. White face paint and masks over their noses and mouths definitely ruled them out as tourists. We were told they were protesters leaving Syntagma Square. So we kept walking. When we turned down the street where the travel office was, we saw all hell had broken loose.

The trash that has been building up in Athens while the trash workers have been on strike for over a week has all been set aflame. Yiayia asked a local what the metallic pops we were hearing were- turns out they were tear gas canisters exploding. We are still feeling the effects of the smoke that filled our lungs, and I got knocked almost over by a rioter running as the police marched downed the street, but other than that we are safe and sound!

Whoops, laptop is dying! More later!


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